[WIQPmail] 2024 WI QSO Party Results Published!

W9WLX w9wlx at dellisnet.com
Tue May 14 15:11:40 CDT 2024

Hello Wisconsin QSO Party enthusiasts!

The results for the 2024 WI QSO Party have been published on the WIQP
website.  You will find the results at  <http://www.warac.org/wqp/wqp.htm>
www.warac.org/wqp/wqp.htm.  Thanks again to all who participated and your
electronic log submissions.  See you in '25!

The WIQP Team,

Chuck Dellis, W9WLX

Tom Macon, K9BTQ

Howard Smith, WA9AXQ

Jeff Pahl, W9JSP

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