[WIQPmail] Spotting

Chad Kurszewski chad.kurs at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 09:37:13 CST 2016

> And there are some people in contests (including QSO parties) that
> self-spot using a different call. Pretty obvious if you know the people
> involved.

Does that make it okay?  Some people still rob banks.  Not sure I get your
point here.

> The W6RK county hunter website works great for spotting counties and is
> quite popular.

Indeed.  For county hunting.

> Everyone, remember that there are hams out there that need Wisconsin for
> basic or 5-bands WAS Worked All States awards or whatever. It isn't just
> for contesters and countyhunters.

Right.  And those people are allowed to use spotting networks, county
hunter nets or internet sites.  And all of those people are allowed to spot
you on the DXcluster, County Hunter places, or wherever, so that others can
benefit from working Wisconsin or a particular county.  IMO, the question
is whether or not competitors should self spot.

Chuck Milam, N9KY said:

> I believe MN is one that actually encourages self-spotting, but I can't
> get the website to load at the moment to check myself.

That's incorrect.  http://www.w0aa.org/docs/mnqp/MNQP%20Contest%20Rules.pdf
*Spotting Networks:* Use of Packet or Telnet spotting networks is
permissible in all categories. No self-spotting is allowed.

I'll pose another question.  The original question is about mobiles
spotting themselves.  Is it okay that all fixed stations self-spot as
well?  How often?  Could I spot myself every 10-20 minutes or so?

Chad WE9V
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